Physicists in industry and academia have been prime movers of industrial development as well as technological advances of modern products by translating fundamental discoveries into viable commodities and state-of-the-art tools that improve our way of life. In this era of fast-changing technology, material physicists and engineers experience immense challenges globally to reduce the time and expense required to bring products and services to the end-users. With this challenge in mind, Industrial Physics Division (IPD) has been engaged in cutting-edge R&D activities in the field of materials and energy for sustainable development. Scientists and Researchers of this division play a pivotal role to solve problems quickly in a wide range of academic and industrial areas, devising custom-made tools and using unconventional techniques for better understanding the synthesized as well as imported products. Tailoring material properties at the nanoscale as well as adopting advanced and high-precision measurement techniques are the core of IPD activities to fulfill the needs of diverse stakeholders as well as for upholding the country’s scientific development strategy. This webpage briefly highlights research scopes and facilities, current R&Ds, and analytical service & consultation activities of IPD below.
Research Scope
The topics of IPD research include, but are not limited to:
- Advanced and Functional materials development for Optoelectronic devices and Photoelectrochemical generation of hydrogen fuels.
- Magnetic materials for transformer core as well as high-frequency applications
- Semiconducting and magnetic nanomaterials synthesis (Typical applications energy storage, wastewater treatment, etc.)
- Design and Fabrication of low-cost custom-made equipment for industrial and academic research laboratories
Current R&D Projects
- Low-cost and Eco-friendly semiconducting materials synthesis and property optimization for highly efficient and stable Perovskite Solar Cell(PSC) (TWAS/UNESCO Research Grant_20-143 RG/PHYS/AS_I).
- Synthesis and characterization of co-doped dielectric materials for ceramic and thin films based capacitor
- Construction of low-cost electrical equipment for developing Standard Test Methods for Measuring Electrical Conductivity of Solid, Semi-solid, and liquid materials
- Synthesis and Application of Magnetic nanoparticles ( Fe3O4) for wastewater treatment
- Synthesis and Characterization of SiO2 extracted from rice husk/paper waste for the production of thermally insulating bricks
Research Facilities at IPD
- High Energy Planetary Ball Mill
- Programmable High temperature (up to 1600 0C) Furnace
- Programmable Spin coater (SPIN 150i)
- Home-built Electrodeposition setup (using SMU 2450)
- Home-built Spin coater/Drop casting apparatus
- Home-built Hydrothermal Nanomaterial growth Apparatus
- Home-built Chemical Bath Deposition Apparatus
- Home-built Sol-gel tools for solid powder and thin-film synthesis

- Hitachi S3400N VP-SEM with Liquid N2 free ThermoScientific ultra-dry EDX
- Shimadzu 2600 UV-VIS-NIR spectrophotometer with integrating sphere
- Agilent Impedance Analyzer with solid (thin film, pellet, powder), liquid test fixtures
- Keithley Source Measure Unit(SMU) 2450 with a home-built 4-point probe and Hot point probes(for detecting the type of conductivity of the semiconductor)
- (Photo)Electrochemical workstation with a Frequency Response Analyzer (FRA) and allied accessories
- UV-Ozone cleaner, Solar cell/OLED I-V test system, and Contact angle goniometer (Ossila UK Ltd.)
- Home-built Hall Effect measurement set up with variable gap yoke (Adjustable Magnetic field: 0.3 Tesla to 1.2 Tesla)
- Home-built Optoelectronic thin film/device(including solar cells, Photodiodes, LED/OLEDs, photo-electrochemical cells, etc.) characterization setup (Video link)
- Home-built DC electrical conductivity equipment (solid, semi-solid, liquid, thin-film, etc., Resistance Measurement range: 1 mΩ - 100 GΩ; Tri-axial cabling & shielding)
- Home-built temperature-dependent DC resistivity setup
- Home-built thermal conductivity measurement setup
- Minor equipment: Tensiometer, Contact angle measurement setup, Magnetic Susceptibility Balance, Tesla meter, Ultrasonic Bath, Magnetic stirrer and hotplate, Precision balance, Home-built energy-efficient heat-treatment system, Moisture content analyzer, Distilled water plant(with access to nano-pure water, ~18MΩ.cm), Lux meter, Digital Tachometer, USB optical microscope(1000×), Home-built battery tester.
*Access to X-ray Diffractometer(XRD; GIXRD/XRR: ARL EQUINOX 1000); Temperature-dependent Photoluminescence (Exc. Laser 225 nm) and Raman spectrometer(Horiba MacroRam Exc. Laser 785 nm), and Zeta potential and Nanoparticle size analyzer (Horiba SZ-100V2) at Central Analytical and Research Facilities (CARF), BCSIR.
Analytical Services and HRD
Analytical and Consultation Services:
- Industrial Physics Division provides analytical and consulting services to diverse stakeholders including Petrobangla, Titas gas transmission, Cemex (Pvt) Ltd., Public, and Private University research students for surface morphology, elemental analysis, optical, electrical, dielectric, and magnetic properties characterization of various materials.
Human Resource Development:
- Provides supervision/guidance to the Ph.D./M.Phil, M.Sc, and B.Sc.(project) students of public and private universities. For further queries please contact us.
- Scientists and Researchers of this division also have the expertise to offer training courses on SEM/EDX, Raman/PL Spectroscopy, UV-VIS-NIR with integrating sphere, thin film/Optoelectronic device characterization setup; (Photo)Electrochemical workstation; OriginLab(Pro) and ImageJ software for data analysis, data processing, and scientific communications. For details please contact at sf1878@my.bristol.ac.uk
- Low-cost high efficient domestic woven fabrication.
- Magnetic materials for transformer cores.
- Portable and Rechargeable Spin Coater.
- Four-point collinear probe (Spring-loaded head assembly with pressure sensing option).
- Hall-measurement head assembly with a variable gap permanent magnet yoke (Magnetic field strength 0.3 - 0.6 Tesla).
- Mult-probe workstation for electrical and optoelectronic device characterization
- Ferrite rod and radio antenna fabrication.
- Nanostructured Thin film/device fabrication setup.
- A method was developed for the direct measurement of nanoparticle size (down to ~15 nm).
- A method was developed for measuring the conductivity of solid, gel, powder, and thin films using the Kelvin probe technique.

Some recent products developed by IPD scientists
- Suravi Islam, Principal Scientific Officer (CSO) and Scientist-in-Charge
- Dr. Syed Farid Uddin Farhad, Principal Scientific Officer (PSO)
- Nazia Khatun, Senior Scientific Officer (SSO)
- Mohammad Sajjad Hossain, Senior Scientific Officer (SSO)
- Aysha Siddika, Senior Scientific Officer (SSO)
- Syed Shafquat Mahmood, Senior Scientific Officer (SSO)
- Nazmul Islam Tanvir, Scientific Officer (SO)
- Md. Saidul Islam, Scientific Officer (SO)
- Md. Abdul Haque, Junior Technician (JT)
Support Staffs:
Lily Akter, Lab. Asst/Cleaner.
Contact us
Industrial Physics Division, BCSIR Labs, Dhaka
Dr. Qudrat-I-Khuda Road, Dhanmondi, Dhaka 1205.
Email: suravii@yahoo.com; sf1878@my.bristol.ac.uk
Cell Phone: +8801715840503 ; +8801881755767
Telephone: +880-02-58617924
Fax: +880-02-58613022
Website: www.dhakalabs.bcsir.gov.bd
Link: BCSIR Main Page