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BCSIR Laboratories, Dhaka Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh
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Last updated: 14th February 2023

History and Function

BCSIR Dhaka Laboratories commenced its magnificent journey as the 'East Regional Laboratories' of the Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (PCSIR) in 1955. Dr. Muhammad Qudrat-i-Khuda, the eminent scientist and educationist, conceived the idea and took initiative for establishing such a laboratory in this part of the continent. Later, it expanded its domain to several full-fledged multi-disciplinary regional laboratories and institutes. BCSIR Dhaka Laboratories focuses its research and development in the areas of Biology, Chemistry, Fibre and Polymer, Genomics, Industrial Physics, Pulp, and Paper, Physical Instrumentation, Pharmaceutical Sciences, etc. In addition to R&D activities, this laboratory renders analytical and testing services to various public and private bodies, entrepreneurs, and individuals. Our scientists also supervise a significant number of students of post-graduate, doctoral, and post-doctoral levels from different universities every year and give them scientific and technical support for their thesis work. BCSIR Laboratories, Dhaka is serving the nation dedicatedly to achieving our mandate of scientific and technological advancement, addressing national priorities, and thus contributing to the economic vibrancy of the country.

The mission of BCSIR Dhaka Laboratories
To carry out, promote and guide scientific, industrial, and technological research on various fields of pure and applied sciences that optimizes the economic, environmental, and societal benefits for the people of Bangladesh.

Vision of BCSIR
To be a center of excellence in science and technology.